Chakra Balancing is included in all energy healing sessions that are offered at Joyful Serenity Healing, based in Mandurah.

The word Chakra in Sanksrit means wheel or disc.

Chakras are our main energy centres located along the central channel of our spine. Chakras spin like wheels from the front and back of our bodies, into our energy bodies and auric field. They form almost a cone or trumpet shape as they spin and radiate outwards.

These energy centres store and distribute life force energy (ki) throughout our physical and energetic bodies. The colours are that of the rainbow, with each one having a direct impact on the area of the body that it is connected to. Most physical illness or disease is created by an imbalance in one of these energy centres which in turn starts to impact on the physical body.

Having our chakras balanced and aligned regularly, has many benefits – but predominantly emotional and physical health and vitality.

Each chakra has its own colour, vibration and musical note as well as physical, mental, emotional and spiritual properties.

During a Reiki session, the focus is mostly on these energy centres, as it is through these chakras that we can balance and channel the most amount of healing energy possible, always for the highest good of the client. This energy is then easily distributed throughout the rest of the body along the energy channels (or meridians). These are almost like veins, but for distributing energy rather than blood.

There are 7 main Chakras/energy centres that we work with in a session. There are also additional chakras that do arise for further healing and amplification of energy, they are not listed here but will be discussed with you in your session if applicable.

Base/Root Chakra (Muladhara) – located at the base of the spine.

“I am safe, grounded and connected to the earth.”

Colour – Red

Note – C

Element – Earth

Energetic Body – Lower Body (Physical)

Associations: The Root Chakra is associated with our spine, bladder, blood, kidneys, legs, immune system, feet and male reproductive organs. When imbalanced we can experience feelings of frustration, shyness, fearful, unsure, unloved, bossiness and domineering. The Root Chakra helps us to feel grounded, centred, calm, safe, trusting, helps positive family relationship and gives us a sense of belonging and security. It also promotes physical strength.

Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana) – located below the belly button.

“I feel creative, inspired and joyful.”

Colour – Orange

Note – D

Element – Water

Energetic Body – Lower Body (Emotional)

Associations: The Sacral Chakra is associated with our lymphatic and circulatory system, kidneys, adrenals, skin and female reproductive organs. When imbalanced we can experience feelings of guilt, cravings, low self-worth, lack of intimacy, manipulation and fear of money and career goals. The Sacral Chakra helps us to feel friendly, passionate, creative, balanced emotions, confident in relationships and intimacy. It also relates to fertility.

Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura) – located between the ribs.

“I stand in my power.”

Colour – Yellow

Note – E

Element – Fire

Energetic Body – Lower Body (Mental)

Associations: The Solar Plexus Chakra is associated with the nervous system, stomach, gall bladder, large intestine, liver, pancreas and metabolism. It is our ‘power centre’ and when imbalanced we can experience feelings of anxiety, low self esteem, feeling lost, anger, judgemental and critical. The Solar Plexus helps us to feel calm, confident, outgoing, have respect for ourselves and others and also assists with our problem solving.

Heart Chakra (Anahata) – located between the ribs.

“I love and receive love unconditionally.”

Colour – Green

Note – F

Element – Air

Energetic Body – Lower Body (Spirit)

Associations: The Heart Chakra is associated with the circulatory system (including the heart), respiratory system, arms, hands, shoulders, ribs, breasts, diaphragm, thymus gland and lungs. When imbalanced we can experience feelings of jealousy, grief, self-pity, fear of rejection, neediness, uncertainty and feel unloved. The Heart Chakra helps us to feel unconditional love and joy and promotes forgiveness, compassion and empathy.

Throat Chakra (Vishudda) – located at the throat

“I express my truth”

Colour – Blue

Note – G

Element – Ether

Energetic Body – Higher Body (Expression)

Associations: The Throat Chakra is associated with the thyroid gland, larynx, trachea, ears, nose, teeth, mouth, throat. When imbalanced we can experience difficulties expressing ourselves and speaking our truth, be afraid to speak up in public or in a group and be criticizing of others. The Throat Chakra helps us with communication, listening and speaking as well as expressing emotions, rather than storing them in our physical body.

Third Eye Chakra (Ajna) – located on the forehead, between the brows

“I see”

Colour – Indigo

Note – A

Element – Light

Energetic Body – Higher Body (Vision)

Associations: The Third Eye Chakra is associated with the pineal and pituitary glands, eyes, nose, ears and skeletal system. When imbalanced we can experience feelings of confusion, headaches and self-doubt, as well as nightmares and poor vision. The Third Eye Chakra helps us to see the bigger picture and our inner-wisdom, promotes our channeling and psychic abilities.

Crown Chakra (Sahasrara) – located at the crown of the head

“I am connected to my higher self and the divine spirit”

Colour – It is pure light so contains all colours but commonly seen as Violet, White or Gold

Note – B

Energetic Body – Higher Body (Divinity)

Associations: The crown chakra is associated with the brain, nervous system, pituitary and pineal glands. When imbalanced we can experience feelings of being misunderstood, lack the ability to have fun, suffer disassociation and limited beliefs. The crown chakra helps us with gratitude and to see the beauty all around us, connecting us in with the universe and higher levels of consciousness, wisdom and knowledge.