End of Year Guidance – 24th December 2021

Happy Friday everyone!

I hope you have had a wonderful week and avoided the pre Christmas drama as much as possible.

This will be the last card reading for the year. As I was shuffling the cards, my guides advised that it would be a little different this week. Rather than a single card for the week ahead, we have 3 separate cards representing different aspects of our journey.

🌟  Card 1 – What we have learned (and are still learning) and experienced this year.

“Lady Venus”

You may recall Lady Venus from a few weeks back, well her support and energy is still coming through strongly. Venus is the cosmic heart of the universe and we can connect with venus energy through unconditional love and compassion.

Our efforts to really dive into truth and awareness have been recognized this year. We are trusting and feeling into our intuition more and more.

You may be uncovering truths not just from your external world, but also the internal, your own stories and beliefs probably don’t align with you anymore.

Lady Venus helps to bring forward messages and ‘downloads’ from your higher self and personal guides and angels.

Continue to listen and pay attention to signs, messages and symbols that appear often. Listen to what your inner guidance has to tell you.

You have been becoming more aware of your mission and purpose in these times.

🌟 Card 2 – What we need to know for the next few weeks.

“Isabella” from the Messages from your Angels deck.

“Yes, the timing is right for this new venture. A happy outcome follows your positive expectations.”

If you have had a sudden shift in your life, which may seem scary right now, just know that your ideas and visions will turn into positive opportunities for you.

Take steps toward these goals, while listening to the wise guidance of your heart (your intuitive knowing) as you move forward fearlessly.

If you have been asking your angels/guides for an answer regarding a new business/career path – the answer is yes.

Even ideal situations require adjustments as you move forward, however your guides foresee smooth sailing with your decision.

🌟 Card 3 – What will next year hold for us?

“Mother-Father God”

This card really packs some powerful energy, focus on the picture and see what awareness this triggers within.

Can you see yourself reaching up to new levels and strengthening your connection to source/god?

This card is a message directly from the heart of God/Source. It is telling you that you are significant and precious. You are loved beyond measure and the Creator power is proud of you. You are being encouraged to have faith and know that anything is possible for you this coming year.

No matter what you may be going through, you are always connected to the source of creation. Your angel guides are encouraging you to remember this now.

The year ahead will bring further healing and wholeness, but it won’t be a direct journey there.

Sometime to rise up we also have to fall. It will be a bumpy ride but this card shows that we will reach those higher levels of consciousness needed.

Remember that you are an extension of source, continue to spread love and healing to all of humanity. In return you will receive love and blessings back.

I wish you all so much love and joy over the holiday period.

Next Friday I will be celebrating New Years Eve with my children, but will be back on the 7th January for more angel messages.

If you would like to book a personalised card reading or an energy healing session, please head to the bookings page.

I look forward to connecting with you again next week.


Sheree 🌟