Guidance for the coming week – 11th June 2021

Happy Friday everyone!

What a week it has been with the eclipse and new moon energy! Many emotions are surfacing. A good time for releasing and setting new intentions.

For today’s card reading you will be selecting your own personal guidance message from this beautiful deck.

Close your eyes and take a few moments to breathe deeply, focusing your attention on any areas that feel tense and relaxing them with every breath out.

Once you feel yourself more relaxed and centered, ask the question “what guidance do I need right now?”

When you open your eyes, whichever card you are drawn to first is the right message for you.

Card 1: Something will be revealed in a dream, or through someone you trust. The information sheds light on something that has remained hidden from you for some time. Suddenly, the missing piece of the puzzle appears and you are able to see the bigger picture.

Card 2: If you want to experience a deeper level of love in your relationship, you must both consciously and willingly surrender to one another. Feel and honour the sacred within each other, be vulnerable and give yourself up to love each and every moment. In doing so you will unite in love, you will feel alive, reborn with each breath. One loving thought can create a world of infinite love.

Card 3: You may not be aware of it yet, but a tapestry full of positive outcomes and spiritual blessings now permeates your aura. The grey clouds have lifted, replaced by soft radiant light. The past will soon be behind you, let it go and embrace the positive times ahead.

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend full of peace and joy.

If you would like to book a personalised card reading or an energy healing session, please head to the bookings page.

I look forward to connecting with you again next week.
