Guidance for the Coming Week – 17th December 2021

Happy Friday everyone!

I hope you have had a wonderful week.

🌟 The card for the coming week comes from the magical unicorns – “Share”.  

My heart is bursting with love while receiving the messages from this card.

I have asked that all who read this post feel that radiant energy coming into their heart space from source…bringing feelings of peace and love.

“When you share, everyone feels happy.”

This coming week we have some really beautiful, supportive energy coming through.

It may feel almost magical at times, think of the joy that Christmas brings to children, seeing how they light up in awe of all the pretty lights and colours…you can feel this joy too.

This time of year we can get caught up in the hype and drama of gift-giving, feeling that we need to purchase expensive items for others in order for Christmas to be special. This year we are reminded that just sharing our time, smiles, love and handmade items with others is even more special.

We are being asked to really come together and support each other over the coming week. Many are doing it tough right now, with job losses and facing the unknown. What can you do to help support those in your community?

Perhaps you have lots of clothing, toys or food that you could pass on to others, now is the perfect time to clear out items you no longer need or use.

Sharing and giving to others brings us a sense of happiness and gratitude. When we act with compassion, our vibration is lifted. We show the universe that we wish to move towards a higher frequency timeline.

This does not necessarily mean having to share physical items, you can simply give your time to someone in need of a chat, prepare a meal for a family in need, invite a neighbor over for dinner, volunteer to do some jobs for a family member and so on… 

Many of us have been working hard to clear dense energies, and we will be given many opportunities to do so over the next week as we continue to live and act from our heart.

Share and spread that divine loving heart energy with others.

Wishing you all a week full of compassion and love.

I will be doing a card pull on my page this week, where a personal card will be chosen for anyone who comments, if you would like a card keep an eye out on Monday or Tuesday.

If you would like to book a personalised card reading or an energy healing session, please head to the bookings page.

I look forward to connecting with you again next week.


Sheree 🌟