Happy Friday everyone!
The card that has come through for the week ahead is from the Angels and Ancestors Oracle ~ Star Ancestor
Follow the Voice of Your Soul
Heed the messages coming directly from your soul. The star ancestors’ is a term for extraterrestrial light beings who are dedicated to the healing and growth of the world. These incredible beings are divine embodiments of love who bring wisdom from the higher realms. Often people feel a sense of connectedness when they look up into the night sky and see the stars. That’s because they are remembering their starry connections, and those are what this card represents.
The Star Ancestor is reminding you that you have otherworldly support this week. You are not alone. They can support you in connecting with and following your soul’s deepest calling. There is a deeper purpose to your human journey. You were born to be a bright light in the world and there are supporters out there in the universe sending waves of energy to guide you at this time. Information and inspiration that has been coming your way recently is not new information, but memories.
Your feelings of being drawn in a particular direction are the awakening of an aspect of your soul. You are being drawn towards a road that will not only light you up, but also help you light up your corner of the world. Continue following the guidance that is coming your way.
Wishing you all a week full of connection and soul guidance
If you would like to book a personalised card reading or an energy healing session, please head to the bookings page.
I look forward to connecting with you again next week.