Happy Friday everyone!
The card that has come through for the coming week is from the Wisdom of the Hidden Realms Oracle – “Ice Queen”.
The Ice Queen represents a period of ‘non action’ and placing ideas on hold. This is the perfect card as we move into the resting season of Winter.
The Ice Queen has come to block your movement for your highest good. Let your ideas this week be preserved until later. You can thaw them out and use them at another time when they will best serve.
The realm of the Ice Queen is the place of nonaction, and now is a perfect time to take a look at how far you’ve come and to ask yourself for a reclarification of your highest goals.
Not all your plans can be accomplished at this moment. In fact, putting them on ice allows for the perfect timing later on.
Don’t be too hasty in trying to reach your goal. An even better one will present itself if you surrender and spend the winter with the Ice Queen.
Perhaps, too, you’re trying to do too many things at once (guilty here!).
This is a good occasion to choose only one thing to focus on and let the Ice Queen put the others in the deep freeze until a more appropriate time. She’ll let you know when it’s time to let them thaw.
Sending you all lots of deep rest for the coming week.
If you would like to book a personalised card reading or an energy healing session, please head to the bookings page.
I look forward to connecting with you again next week.