Joyful Serenity Healing is now offering Reiki Training anywhere in the world via Zoom.
You can learn Reiki First Degree, Second Degree and Master-Teacher level training all from the comfort of your own home.
These workshops will be scheduled over 2-3 Zoom appointments. Each appointment will last from approximately 2-3 hours and will be scheduled for a time that works for you! Perfect for those who can’t make an in-person workshop, parents, shift workers and anyone else who has been trying to follow their call to Reiki and hasn’t had the time. This online training has been created to replicate an in-person experience, where you can ask questions or take a break at any time.
You can book this for yourself and have one-on-one training or book with family or friends.
Your Reiki Attunement can be scheduled in person (if you are based in Perth, Western Australia) or can be done remotely during the zoom session. These remote attunements are done using a Crown to Crown (chakra) attunement process which I have been taught. The first time I received one of these attunements I was blown away by the divine experience I had. You will be guided through the process to know exactly what to expect and ensure you are in a relaxed meditative open state.
Payment Plans available. An invoice will be sent for online payment.
A detailed Reiki manual will be sent to you prior to the first zoom session.
A signed certificate will be emailed to you upon completion.
Exchange for these services are;
Reiki First Degree ~ $200
Reiki Second Degree ~ $300
Reiki Master-Teacher ~ $500
To find out more or to book your online training, please email or jump over to Facebook and send a message there.
I look forward to working with you. It will be an honour to share your journey.