To get the most out of your energy healing session, you may wish to follow this guide.
Healing Intention:
If you have a specific area of your life you wish to heal (such as a loss, stressful job, past trauma etc) you may wish to set this as your healing intention prior to your session.
You do not need to set a healing intention, however this is a wonderful way to clear any negative energy or blockages from past events and trauma and help provide insight and clarity moving forward.
As I work intuitively, there may be other areas or issues that arise during your session for healing. These can include emotional or physical aspects.
Tip: Reiki energy will firstly go to where it is needed most, so if you are full of toxins (i.e hungover from too many wines the night before), energy will be drawn here first rather than your healing intention/s.
The Day of your Appointment:
* Try to avoid caffeine, alcohol or other stimulants which can affect relaxation.
* Wear comfortable clothing. Reiki can cause the energy in your body to feel warm or cold (this can vary for different sessions), so you may wish to bring a jumper and socks in winter. Warm blankets will be provided.
* Please advise if you are running late for any reason.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
I look forward to seeing you at your session. Sending lots of joy and light until then.