I’m not sure where on my journey I came along this quote. It may have been worded slightly different but this is what has stuck with me.

It triggered so much realization within me.
We can be so afraid of the dark, raw pain, trauma and emotions that we hold inside. We fear what will happen if we open ourselves up to them and even more so what will happen if we release them and let them go.
In order to grow and heal we need to love all aspects of ourselves. It is from the place of love that we are able to transmute and transform what we once saw as weakness or negative into strengths, lessons and wisdom.
What I see often is people not giving themselves the space and time to actually do this. Deep trauma and wounds can take months or years to heal (there are no rules, everyone is different). And that is okay. ❤
There is alot of ‘false’ spirituality around where everything is portrayed as all love and light and people are scared to admit they often feel anything but. This can really impact your ability to heal.
I have been on my healing journey for many many years and there are still aspects of myself that require some more love and nurturing from time to time.
I am thankful to have support such as Reiki that I can harness to help me with this and am here to support and guide others on their path as well.
If you need some support loving aspects of yourself, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Wishing you lots of love.
Sheree 🌻