Being a sensitive empath, I am always picking up on the emotions and physical aches/pains of others. They could be nearby or even on the opposite side of the world. The energy of the collective is felt the strongest and I’m not going to lie, it has been a hard year and a real test to my inner strength and faith. But I’ve held on, I’ve continued to hold intentions to raise vibration and send love and light (excuse the cliché) to all.
A lot of my time is spent transmuting energy into light and harnessing the support of angelic beings and Ascended Masters to do just that. I am eternally grateful to have this support around me at all times and the protection I am offered to continue to ‘do my work’ is evident to me daily.
Due to the mission to help others and transmute negativity, it can mean I often don’t allow myself to really feel into my own emotions with all that is happening in the world today. Humanity is at a turning point even though it does not feel that way I know. Us lightworkers must remain focused on our mission here. With that comes the realisation that not everyone is going to be able to accept some hard truths and step into the new.
Today I felt into this, I really felt into what this meant to me. What this meant to my family, my mother, my children. Fellow human beings; mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, precious babies – being treated as an experiment. With the people who are portrayed as the ones helping, leading many down a path that should not be travelled.
This feels heartbreaking to me and I shed many tears. Tears of hurt, anger and frustration. Tears of what I thought was defeat.
Then I felt the support, the angelic presence that surrounds me always. The reminder that it was not defeat, it was a time of raw emotion that I needed to feel into, enabling me to tap into more strength and determination.
It has really been driven into me that I am here for a higher purpose (as most of us are – I am not any different to you – we may just be on different paths right now – but we will join eventually and I can’t wait to meet you there). I am here to help support others, facilitate healing, promote health and natural medicines, raise awareness, facilitate change within you and help others uncover their souls purpose.
I stand in my own personal truth and power and know that I will continue on my path, with more determination, more clarity and focus.
I will continue to be of service to humanity at a time where it is most needed. It is why most of us are here in this very moment. Reach into your heart, feel the connection to all. It is this connection that makes us stronger together.
From my heart to yours, I love you.