As we grow up we are always taught that we should be aiming to land a “good” job. Years of study is the norm for most to then find themselves in fact struggling to find work or lacking in real life experiences.
When we do find what society deems a good job, we will stay with it no matter the impact it may be having on other areas of our lives.
Those who venture away from what is considered a normal job are usually judged and looked down upon by those who feel a steady full time job is the path we should all go down. While this provides financial security for most, is it really all there is to life? Why do we pass judgement on others for not having the same views or goals as us? When did we lose our connection to ourselves and our soul?
If you are truly happy with your job or career and it fulfils your soul, then that is wonderful and really warms my heart to know that you do. I don’t doubt for a second that there are many people who do love their job and are very happy.
This is not the case for many others.
I myself have been in a ‘safe/good/secure” government role for 15 years – since the age of 21. I developed a personal attachment to this job and the tasks involved as well as the workplace in general. I always found myself talking or thinking about my work even when on leave. While this could be seen as a great work ethic and commitment, I began to see how my entire life revolved around this job. Over the years what was once a positive and uplifting environment had dwindled and the atmosphere was often negative.
As I was led down my journey to self discovery and healing, I began to see how this workplace that I had ‘loved’ all these years was actually causing a lot of my stress and negative attitude. Don’t get me wrong, I adore many of the people who I worked with and have formed everlasting bonds and friendships with some.
As these realisations started to come up more often, I began to analyse why I felt so attached to this role and what it had brought to my life. While I have grown and developed skills professionally and socially from the role, the true reason I had stayed there so long became apparent to me when speaking to a family friend recently. I was simply doing what was expected of me by society – maintaining a safe/steady/good job. What other people thought of me and my job had formed part of my (false) self-identity.
Many years ago I had already begun searching for more. I was drawn towards learning Reiki for myself, which in turn became a passion and soul led mission to help and support others on their journey and healing process. I was able to see clients on weekends or on days off which helped to fulfil my longing to make a difference in the world. To help others the way I myself had been.
Then along came my second child.
Being on maternity leave for 18 months gave me even more opportunity to work with others and my soul felt at peace, I felt driven and determined to help as many as possible and bring more light and joy into their lives. This then led me to wanting to teach others how to do the same. How they too could channel healing energy to help others and to support healing of Mother Earth. These events have brought me more and more in alignment with myself, my true calling and purpose.
Once I had these realisations and experiences, I was then able to step into my true inner power. My intuition was heightened so much that I knew I could 110% trust it and go with it. My connection to my higher self and personal guides was even clearer and I received so much guidance (or what you may call downloads) as to what my mission here is as a lightworker (It’s still a work in progress – I have so much more to achieve here).
Your true purpose does not have to be what is considered a “good” job – it is something that makes you feel happy and fulfilled. It is your true calling. Your passion.
It has taken me a lot of inner work (7 years of intense work – but in reality it started long before then) and life experiences to find what my true purpose is. Now that I know what it is and how blessed I am to lead this path, I can now see how clearly obvious it should have been the whole time (this is a story for another time).
But I am also okay with others not seeing that. I am okay with the judgement that comes along with following a path that is not considered “normal”.
I am now living in a state of full awareness and receptivity to what the universe has to offer. How I can continue to be of service to all of humanity and importantly, how I can continue to be a loving mother for my beautiful children.
To quote my favourite mantra “I release control and surrender to the flow”.
It is in this experience of letting go that I have now come to the state of true surrender.
Wishing you love and joy.