Guidance for the Coming Week – 8th October 2021

Happy Friday everyone!

I hope you all had a wonderful week.

Today’s cards are from the mini Angel Light oracle. One of my faves for direct messages.

The cards the came through for the coming week are “Choices” and “Archangel Gabriel “.

You may be faced with some tricky decisions or choices this coming week as well as facing difficulties with children (with school going back next week I can see lots of emotional mornings). You may also find yourself facing situations arising from inner child trauma, recognising behaviours and reactions linked to those childhood memories. Archangel Gabriel represents purity and rebirth, coming through the old to birth in the new, connecting you to your emotional body – a powerful Angel to have alongside you this coming week.Call on her when you need support and more patience with the children. She has a very warm nurturing mother type energy.

Full card messages:


When you worry about decisions, it means that your mind is trying to control your life and that results in choices made from your ego. Your angel guidance is to consider and evaluate all the options then let go of your head and choose from your heart that which gives you greatest joy and feels right. Do not act from foolish impulse however, rather from divinely prompted inspiration.

Make choices for the highest good. Remember that if something is not for your highest good, it certainly is not for the highest good of those around you. So let go of false feelings of responsibility for others and choose with wisdom. Become still and attune to your soul. Ask your angels for guidance and help. Then from your point of deep inner stillness make your choices easily and spontaneously.

A simple affirmation you can repeat daily – “I choose for my highest good”.

Archangel Gabriel

You are blessed to receive this archangel card and your guidance is to invoke Archangel Gabriel who works on the white ray, for grace and purification. It is time to release old memories, ingrained habits and mental patterns which lower your vibrations.

Archangel Gabriel will bring order and discipline into your life so that everything runs smoothly. You can also call on him/her to bring you clarity and joy. You are reminded that you are a beautiful, light and wise spirit and that only the material mantel disguises your true self. So envision yourself surrounded by pure white light. Let your pure spiritemerge and fly.

An empowering affirmation you can repeat daily – “I am pure and light”

Wishing you all a wonderful week full of strong decision making and joy.

If you would like to book a personalised card reading or an energy healing session, please head to the bookings page.

I look forward to connecting with you again next week.

