Weekly Card Reading – 24th-31st March – Guidance for the coming week
Happy Friday everyone!
The card that has come through for the week ahead is from the Tree of Life Oracle ~ Tree of Life.
This week will be a week of stillness and re-connection to self.
Allowing yourself rest will be important as you will be clearing away old conditioning and beliefs.
Finding inside parts of you that you see in a different light. Recognising aspects that are filled with divinity.
Remember that our life can take many twists and turns, much like a tree.
Allow the rain to cleanse you. Allowing you to be still and anchored, while the external world seems unsteady and may test your faith.
Some cycles take a while to complete, we are being reminded that our expansion of consciousness has been steady and while it may seem as if it going backwards this week, there is no backwards. Only up.
Be gentle on yourself this week. You are still growing even if you feel like nothing was “achieved.” Be okay with just BE-ing.
We are also reminded that the soul is eternal, when those close to us choose to leave this earthly plane, they are simply changing form. Connect with nature and allow her to help process your emotions and bring you healing and comfort. Breathe with her.
Wishing you all a week full of rest and connection.
If you would like to book a personalised card reading or an energy healing session, please head to the bookings page.
I look forward to connecting with you again next week for the next weekly card reading.
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