Happy Friday everyone!
I hope you have had a lovely week. How beautiful is the warm sunshine J
This week’s card is from the Angel Therapy Oracle “Power Animal”.
I have only just started working with this particular deck and love that each card has an action/exercise for you to do, to help you along your journey.
This card came through not only with the beautiful energy of Archangel Chamuel who brings forward unconditional love and a soft pink heart glow, but also the energy of the strong and powerful unicorns. The unicorn connections are getting stronger and many have come through to support us at this time.
For the week ahead, they remind us that even in stormy times, when we feel we are climbing up a never ending hill with no end in sight, we can call on support from our power/spirit animals or the unicorns to help guide and protect us.
Our power or spirit animals have been making themselves known a lot in the recent months, they help provide us with guidance and messages of comfort and support. Just their presence alone brings comfort and healing when we most need it.
Some of these power animals are actually incarnated on earth right now and are with you…they may even be your pets or animals that you see wherever you go.
They listen without judgement and help you to really understand what it means to love unconditionally.
If you haven’t formed a connection with your power or spirit animal, this is the perfect week to do so.
Below is the activity from the guide book, find some time to do this over the next week and see what connections and guidance you receive.
Go to a location where there are trees or plants so that nature can help you with your journey to meet your power animal.
Then close your eyes and breathe deeply as you hold the intention of connecting with the animal who serves as your spirit guide.
Imagine yourself in a magical forest calling to your power animal, without specifying what type of animal you’re expecting.
Let yourself see and know the animal who is your guide, and then ask this spiritual being any question you’d like-especially about your connection to nature and the environment.
Wishing you all a week full of connection and animal healing.
If you would like to book a personalised card reading or an energy healing session, please head to the bookings page.
I look forward to connecting with you again next week.